Hi! I've set up some system to track slow page executions in one of our (as yet not live) web apps. The tracking itself is handled completely within the database using a function. Within a very short time (approx. 1 week) and although we haven't got that much traffic on our testpages, the table in question as grown beyond a size of 23 GB, even though a SELECT count(*) on it will tell me that it only contains 235 rows. I'm sure I must be missing something obvious here...
Here's the DDL for the table: CREATE TABLE stats.slowpages ( url text NOT NULL, lastexecduration integer NOT NULL, avgslowexecduration integer, execcount integer, lastexectime timestamp without time zone, site_id integer NOT NULL, slowestexecduration integer, totaltimespent bigint, CONSTRAINT "slowpages_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (url) )WITHOUT OIDS; -- Indexes CREATE INDEX idx_slowpages_duration ON stats.slowpages USING btree (lastexecduration); CREATE INDEX idx_slowpages_avgduration ON stats.slowpages USING btree (avgslowexecduration); CREATE INDEX idx_slowpages_execcount ON stats.slowpages USING btree (execcount); CREATE INDEX idx_slowpages_lastexec ON stats.slowpages USING btree (lastexectime); CREATE INDEX idx_slowpages_site ON stats.slowpages USING btree (site_id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX uidx_slowpages_url_site ON stats.slowpages USING btree (url, site_id); CREATE INDEX idx_slowpages_totaltimespent ON stats.slowpages USING btree (totaltimespent); And this here is the function we use to insert or update entries in this table: CREATE or REPLACE FUNCTION "stats"."iou_slowpages"( IN "_site_id" integer, IN "_url" text, IN "_duration" integer) RETURNS void AS $BODY$ BEGIN LOOP UPDATE stats.slowpages SET avgslowexecduration = ((avgslowexecduration*execcount)+_duration)/(execcount+1) , execcount = execcount+1 , lastexectime = now() , lastexecduration = _duration , totaltimespent = totaltimespent + _duration , slowestexecduration = CASE WHEN _duration > slowestexecduration THEN _duration ELSE slowestexecduration END WHERE url = _url AND site_id = _site_id; IF found THEN RETURN; END IF; BEGIN INSERT INTO stats.slowpages(url,lastexecduration,avgslowexecduration,slowestexecdura tion,totaltimespent,execcount,lastexectime,site_id) VALUES (_url, _duration, _duration,_duration,_duration, 1, now(), _site_id); RETURN; EXCEPTION WHEN unique_violation THEN END; END LOOP; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE; _site_id is a small integer value, _url is a full URL string to a page and _duration is a value in milliseconds. We're on PostgreSQL 8.3.7. Any idea about what I may be missing here? Kind regards Markus Computec Media AG Sitz der Gesellschaft und Registergericht: Furth (HRB 8818) Vorstandsmitglieder: Albrecht Hengstenberg (Vorsitzender) und Rainer Rosenbusch Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Jurg Marquard Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer: DE 812 575 276 -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org) To make changes to your subscription: http://www.postgresql.org/mailpref/pgsql-general