On Thu, 25 Feb 2010 09:34:19 +0100, Stefan Schwarzer wrote:
> Hi there,
> I have tables with values for each country of the world.
> Now, there is the possibility for the user to generate regional
> (Europe, Africa...) or subregional (Western Europe, Central
> Europe...) aggregations on-the-fly. In some cases, these
> aggregations need to be calculated by using the population of each
> region too, as a denominator, which looks like this:
>               SELECT
>                       COALESCE(r.name, '''') AS name, 
>                       d.year_start AS year,
>                       SUM(d.value * d_nom.value) / SUM(d_nom.value) AS value  
>               FROM
>                       pop_total_access_water AS d
>               RIGHT JOIN
>                       countries_view AS c ON c.id = d.id_country
>               RIGHT JOIN
>                       pop_total AS d_nom ON d_nom.id_country = d.id_country
>               RIGHT JOIN
>                       subregions_view AS r ON r.id = c.sreg_id        
>               WHERE
>                       (d.year_start = 1990 ) AND
>                       (d_nom.year_start = 1990 ) AND
>                       d_nom.value <> 0
>               GROUP BY
>                       r.name, d.year_start    
>               ORDER BY 1,2
> Now, I would like to use from table "d_nom" only these countries
> which have a value in table "d" as well.

Without thinking much (so this may be completely wrong for some 
changes may be needed), why do you use a right join to the d_nom table?
An ordinary inner join should give you only these countries which have
their rows in the d table.

MichaƂ Politowski
Talking has been known to lead to communication if practiced carelessly.

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