Thank you very much for this explanation/reply. It precisely answers my question.

Unfortunately, it prompts a new question. I am using 8.4.2 which I assume is new enough to trigger a "yes" response to "If you have a version new enough to have synchronize_seqscans...". I have absolutely no idea how to turn that off. Perhaps the best thing would be to direct me to the documentation where turning it off is described so that I can become more autonomous. However, accompanying that with explicit directions would be welcome too.

I am in Greenwich +1 timezone, but I fear you are in the 2AM time zone. Thank you again,


On Feb 24, 2010, at 8:06 AM, Tom Lane wrote:

John Gage <> writes:
This is a two-part question:
1) I have a source_text that I want to divide into smaller subunits
that will be contained in rows in a column in a new table.  Is it
absolutely certain that the initial order of the rows in the resultant
table after this  operation:

CREATE TABLE new_table AS SELECT regexp_split_to_table(source_text,
E'regexp') as subunits FROM source_table;

will be the same as the order of these subunits in the original text?

If you have a version new enough to have synchronize_seqscans, you'd
need to turn that off.  Otherwise should be OK.

2) I would like to be able to create a serial-type column during
CREATE TABLE AS in the new table that "memorizes" this order so that I
can reconstruct the original text using ORDER BY on that serial
column.  However, I am stumped how to do that.

I think the trick is to get the SRF to be expanded before the serial
values are assigned.  There's more than one way to do it, but I think
(too tired to experiment) this would work:

 CREATE TABLE new_table (id serial, subunits text);

INSERT INTO new_table(subunits) SELECT regexp_split_to_table(source_text,
   E'regexp') FROM source_table;

                        regards, tom lane

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