On 02/20/2010 06:54 PM, Raymond O'Donnell wrote:
On 20/02/2010 13:08, Nilesh Govindarajan wrote:
On 02/20/2010 02:32 PM, John R Pierce wrote:
Nilesh Govindarajan wrote:
How do I create a procedure using plpgsql cursors to print the output
of the query in the cursor (using for loop) ?
In all docs I found, it seems to be a must to return data to the call
which is not what I want.
what is it going to print it on? the postgres server processes have no
console or stdout device.
Okay, so how do I print it to stdout ?
Well, it still has to get back to the client from the server - hence you
need to return the data.... stout here will be stdout of the server, not
the client.
Maybe if you say more clearly what it is you *do* want, rather than what
you don't, people may be able to help you. :-)
Okay here's my query -
select c.cid, c.subject, n.title from comments c, node n where c.nid =
n.nid and c.status != 0;
This is the query to check list of comments requiring admin approval and
also the article titles on which this is posted.
I want to see this result on the screen at psql prompt. Since it may
return multiple rows, a cursor has to be employed here.
Now if I employ a cursor here in the function/procedure, how to see the
results ?
Nilesh Govindarajan
Site & Server Adminstrator
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