Hi *,
I have the following problem:
I wanted to add a new type that supports modifiers (comparable to 
numeric/varchar). I succeeded in adding the type modifier functions to my new 
type. These methods are called and the modifier is set. However the modifiers 
are not applied here. I don't know exactly how to get the modifiers to be 
applied to my type. I looked into the source code of varchar/numeric and a 
function called the same name as the type is added in there that gets called 
with a value of the particular type and the typmod, respectively. But I don't 
know, how to register this function properly in order to get called, when sth 
is to be stored in the database. I also set up such a function and registered 
it in pg_proc (just called create function and made it public like this). My 
problem is that I don't know how to tell the database system when to call my 
function. I don't see any possibility to do this here. Even reading the code of 
numeric/varchar didn't help, because it just works in there. Where do I have to 
set up that this function is to be called when the modifier is to be applied? I 
thought, there would be something "magic" that just calls the function named as 
the given type in order to apply the modifiers. My modifier function, however 
is never called. The type modifiers (typmodin and typmodout) are called 
properly when requesting a description of the particular table or setting the 
modifier. However, unfortunately, it is never applied to my column. How can I 
achieve this/What do I have to do to get it to work?

Best regards
        Carsten Kropf
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