On 16 Feb 2010, at 10:34, Peter Geoghegan wrote:

>> I'd think RETURN NEXT would behave the way you want it to. There's probably 
>> something in your function causing your function to behave like it does now. 
>> I suspect the problem lies in the way you determine how far you've 
>> progressed, but you didn't tell us anything about your function, so I'm just 
>> guessing.
> Why do you think that? At the moment, the function merely sends two
> messages along the lines of "beginning downloading...",  "connecting
> to first db...", before connecting to the first remote DB, which, in
> my perfunctory testing was unavailable. The connection blocks, throws
> an exception, is handled in an EXECPTION block (by once again sending
> a message in the usual way). However, I get all 3 messages at once,
> only when the dblink function finishes blocking and throws its
> exception, which takes about 7 seconds because I like to use a timeout
> in my connection string.

I assumed you were generating the progress indicator from query results in a 
remote DB. It turns out that's entirely not what you're doing, but how were we 
supposed to know that?

You say you want your function to behave like a cursor.
A function can't behave like a cursor, just as a select can't; both result in a 
result set. What RETURN NEXT and RETURN QUERY do is make it possible to access 
the function results row by row. You still need a cursor to get the behaviour 
of a cursor out of that.

If that doesn't answer your question, I'm pretty sure that to help you with 
this problem people will need quite a bit more information than you're giving 
us. What are you doing? What do you see vs. what do you expect? Some examples 
would help.

>> I don't know much about dblink, so it is possible your problem is related to 
>> that. I imagine it may batch "small" result sets and send them over all at 
>> once to reduce traffic. Do you see this problem with larger result sets (say 
>> >10k rows)?
> I'll attempt to devise a useful test, but I'm a little doubtful that
> I'll get anywhere with my current approach, given that my initial,
> very simple test failed.

>From your description it turns out dblink isn't involved yet, so it can't 
>cause the issue you were asking about.

Alban Hertroys

If you can't see the forest for the trees,
cut the trees and you'll see there is no forest.


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