Hi.  I am trying to restore a database from a pgdump file, something
that I've sucessfully done before.  

I created a new database cluster, created the database that I want
to restore using

create database subptf with template = template0;

and then I tried to restore the database using

./psql subptf < subptf.pgdump

The first part of what I get is

ERROR:  syntax error at or near "PGDMP"
ERROR:  syntax error at or near ""
LINE 1:  ptffield integer,
ERROR:  syntax error at or near ""
LINE 1:  f1 integer,
ERROR:  syntax error at or near ""
LINE 1:     AS $$
ERROR:  syntax error at or near ""
LINE 1:     AS $_X$
ERROR:  syntax error at or near ""
LINE 1:     AS $_X$
ERROR:  syntax error at or near ""
LINE 1:     AS $$

The last part of what I get is 

\p: extra argument 
?R??z?:?x[bk˯?R_?8ed?ЀI???&=>%?2H??B"???" ignored
\p: extra argument ":P" ignored
\p: extra argument ";???P?+?1?i?)??a=?" ignored
unterminated quoted string
invalid command \??c?>
invalid command 
invalid command \??g.???
invalid command \AJ??E?$?TC?r?f]?B??
invalid command \??Hzp?Y2??8?@
invalid command \Ā?(?%?O
\connect: FATAL:  database "???6??$?^" does not exist

I feel like I'm making some beginner's error here, but I haven't
run into this before.

I am running 8.3.7 on a linux system


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