Marc Mamin wrote:

Looking at the TODO List, I feel that only some aspects of the COPY FROM command are adressed.
Could a discussion trigger some activity on this topic  :o)  ?

(Sounds only of crickets chirping)...guess not. I would love to have FEEDBACK added.

The TODO list doesn't have every COPY extension idea around on it though. for example is an implicit wishlist: "fix all these things documented as troublesome". Your suggestions might make a good addition to that, perhaps in a section specifically addressing "Missing Features Common to Other Database Loaders".

If you don't mind a speed loss in the process, I've found pgloader to be a nicer interface for dealing with slightly odd data imports that don't match the built-in COPY restrictions, it does some of the things you're looking for:

And pg_bulkload aims to handle some of the high-performance features:

The problem with working on the COPY code, from the perspective of finding people to pay for the job, is that bulk-loading is a one-time operation for many people. Easier to just suck it up and write a set of one-off data massage tools than to try and fix the core to add these capabilties.

Greg Smith    2ndQuadrant   Baltimore, MD
PostgreSQL Training, Services and Support

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