Thom Brown wrote:

A long-standing problem we've had with PostgreSQL queries in PHP is
that the returned data for boolean columns is the string 'f' instead
of the native boolean value of false.

An obvious example of this would be for a table with users and their
boolean registered status:

Select user, registered From users;

Then getting a row from the result would reveal: array('user' =>
'thomb', registered => 'f');

That's how postgres stores them, php doesn't understand the field is a boolean.

# create table a(a int, b boolean);
# insert into a(a, b) values (1, true);
# insert into a(a, b) values (2, false);
# SELECT * from a;
 a | b
 1 | t
 2 | f
(2 rows)

Also while not in the "official" docs, it is a note from 2002:

and says

Each value in the array is represented as a string. Database NULL values are returned as NULL.

Another problem is with arrays, where they are difficult to parse as
they also come through as plain strings with no binary alternative.

Haven't played with postgres arrays so can't say either way - but same as above, php just fetches the data.

There's an example that might help you -

Postgresql & php tutorials

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