Yan Cheng Cheok <ycch...@yahoo.com> writes:
> I have a stored procedure execute the following code :
>     INSERT INTO unit(fk_lot_id, cycle)
>     VALUES(_lotID, _cycle) RETURNING  * INTO _unit;
>     raise notice 'AFTER INSERT INTO UNIT,  _unit.unit_id = %', _unit.unit_id ;

> unit_id column, is an auto generated primary key. I will always get a 
> non-null value.

> However, after I install a trigger function, and create a table named unit_0 
> inherit from table unit, 

> NOTICE:  AFTER INSERT INTO UNIT,  _unit.unit_id = <NULL>

> will be printed.

If you installed it as a BEFORE trigger, the problem is here:

That's suppressing the INSERT action.

                        regards, tom lane

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