Fernando Schapachnik wrote:
I could play soft links tricks, but I'm afraid of paying the FS-traversal penalty on each file access (is that right?).

Compared to everything else that goes into I/O, symlink traversal overhead is pretty low.

So, any way of instructing PG (8.1 if that matters) to place those files elsewhere without an initdb?

You can create another table just like the original on a tablespace using the new storage, drop the original, and then rename the new one to the original name. This is described as "another way to cluster data" in the Notes section of http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.4/static/sql-cluster.html , and it has a few warnings related to information that can be lost in this situation. Make sure you've moved all temporary files onto the new filesystem first, observing the warning about that there too.

Greg Smith    2ndQuadrant   Baltimore, MD
PostgreSQL Training, Services and Support
g...@2ndquadrant.com  www.2ndQuadrant.com

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