On Wednesday 20 January 2010 15.42:14 Ivan Sergio Borgonovo wrote:
> I'd also appreciate some suggestion about dev environment and best
> practices on Debian, something that could help me to compile,
> install, test easily on Debian.

(Disclaimer: Haven't done any postgres related programming so far, so this 
might need adjusting.)

The desciption for package postgresql-server-dev-8.4 includes 

 This package also contains the Makefiles necessary for building add-on
 modules of PostgreSQL, which would otherwise have to be built in the
 PostgreSQL source-code tree.

so this package plus C compiler and the other usual tools should get you 
started.  (There is also the 'build-essential' Debian package which will 
ensure you have a basic C/C++ development environment.  For other packages 
you might need to build extensions you could look at the build dependencies 
of the postgresql-8.4 *source* Debian package; I'm offline right now but I 
think <http://packages.qa.debian.org/postgresql-8.4> should get you this 

If you find that you can not compile an extension with only this server-dev 
package but need other stuff from the PostgreSQL source, I'm sure the 
PostgreSQL packagers would appreciate a bug report.)

(I hope I'm not just telling you stuff you alredy know; sorry if so.)

-- vbi

Today is Setting Orange, the 20th day of Chaos in the YOLD 3176

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