
[ creating db partitions on demand ]

On Wednesday 20 January 2010 11.20:21 Vincenzo Romano wrote:
> In case 1 I need to inspect the catalog with at least a select, while
> in case 2 I need to trap errors.
> In my (little) experience trapping errors is slow, so I would go for
>  option 1.

Trapping/handling the error might be slow, but remember that creating a new 
partition (presumably) doesn't happen often (and creating the partition is 
slow anyway.)  In case 1 (check if the partition exists before insert), 
*every* *single* *insert* is slower because you first query the catalog, 
while in case 2, the normal case (insert into existing partition) is fast 
and only the rare case (how is your partitioning?  1000000 or more rows per 
partition on average?  I'd think it's quite a lot because why else partition 
the data at all...?) is slow.

-- vbi

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        Any change or reform you make is going to have consequences you
        don't like.

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