Am 13.01.2010 16:00, schrieb Craig Ringer:
On 13/01/2010 6:15 PM, Daniel Schuchardt wrote:
can anybody give us a hint if we can use that combination?
You can use libpq on 64-bit windows to talk to an 8.1 database if you
really must.
I really wouldn't recommend running the 8.1 database on windows. Win32
releases of Pg see big improvements with every version and 8.1 is
really not recommended or supported anymore. 8.1 was ... deficient ...
on Windows.
Run a recent Pg server on 64-bit windows, or run your 8.1 server on a
UNIX machine and connect to it from 64-bit windows using a modern
64-bit libpq.
Why 8.1, anyway?
Craig Ringer
we plan to upgrade to 8.4 the next time but currently everything is
build with 8.1. thanks for your awnsers, so we wont try it.
but i think we will wait till 8.5 because of the 64 bit problem.
we did not upgrade because 81 has autocast and later version doesn't, so
we need to check all our statements and triggers/stored procedures wich
is currently in work.
Mit freundlichen Grüssen,
Daniel Schuchardt
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