Em 08/01/2010, às 15:58, Adrian Klaver escreveu:

> Actually what is strange is that your previous listing :
> postgres=# select '"' || datname || '"' from pg_database;
>   ?column?
> -------------
>  "template1"
>  "template0"
>  "t1"
>  "skynet"
> is not the same as the one above:
> postgres=# select '"' || datname || '"' from pg_database;
>  ?column?
> -------------
> "template1"
> "template0"
> "postgres"
> "t1"
> "pgpool"
> "skynet"
> In particular the presence of postgres,t1 and pgpool.
> Are you sure which cluster you are pointing at and whether the psql version 
> matches the server version?
> -- 
> Adrian Klaver
> adrian.kla...@gmail.com


The reason for pgpool is that we were using it, but decided to stop due to some 
problems. At this moment we have pgpool with one node only. Also, i am 
connecting directly to postgres in order to verify this problem.

And the difference between this and previous listing is because i am manually 
removing databases name as they contain client names that i don't want to share 

Best Regards,

Fernando Marcelo

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