On 1/6/2010 3:29 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
Guy Rouillier<guyr-...@burntmail.com> writes:
Oracle states clearly in the SQL Reference manual:
"A modifier can appear in a format model more than once. In such a case,
each subsequent occurrence toggles the effects of the modifier."
*Toggles* the effect of the modifier? Egad, what drunken idiot chose
that specification?
Eh, tomato, tomahto. If you assume that someone will strip leading
zeroes consistently, the Oracle approach makes sense. That would be a
reasonable assumption to make; why would I strip the zero off the month
but leave it on the day? So, in the unusual case that you want to do
such a thing, you are asked to use a second occurrence of FM to turn
zero suppression back off.
Guy Rouillier
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