Hi there,

This may not be the best list for my question, but I'm sure someone there will 
he able to help me

I'm trying to use dbi-link under RHEL5.3. Using PostgreSQL and Perl rpms from 
distro, installed
Sybase ASE 1.5.5 developers edition and DBD::Sybase using cpan -i.

My test programs, using pubs2 example database, work fine. They connect as:

$dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Sybase:server=RHEL53I386", "teste", "123testando");

So I have a working DBD::Sybase install. But then I try to initialize dbi-link 
using the statement:

SELECT make_accessor_functions(
AutoCommit: 1
RaiseError: 1

I get the error (from postgresql logs)

OpenClient message: LAYER = (7) ORIGIN = (2) SEVERITY = (6) NUMBER = (6)
Message String: ct_con_alloc(): unable to get layer message string: unable to ge
t origin message string: error string not available
NOTICE:  ct_con_alloc failed at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/i386-linux-thread
-multi/DBD/Sybase.pm line 92.
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "SELECT dbi_link.cache_connection( 1 )"
        SQL statement "SELECT dbi_link.create_accessor_methods(
ERROR:  error from Perl function: error from Perl function: error from Perl func
tion: DBI connect('server=RHEL53I386','teste',...) failed: (no error string) at 
line 137 at line 36. at line 53.

I already tried forcing my database to en_US.UTF-8 and sourced SYBASE.sh from 
postgres bash_profile
script. Before that, the error was aboit missing dynamic libs.

I know this looks more a sybase thing than a postgresql thing but maybe someone 
can understand the
sybase error message and help me. After all I hope someone out there does use 

[]s, Fernando Lozano

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