Hello again,

Now that I have working the Extended Query using the Front End Protocol 3.0, 
I'm getting better results with simple queries than extended queries.

table comptes: 

Simple query:

 select * from comptes WHERE codi_empresa = '05' AND nivell=11 and clau_compte 
like '05430%' => 0,0273 seconds for 14 rows

Extened Query: 111074 rows

All three columns are indexed.

Parse: select * from comptes WHERE codi_empresa = $1 AND nivell=$2 and 
clau_compte like $3

Bind + Execute + Sync in the same packet connection: 05,11,05430% => 0.1046 for 
10 rows

I measure the time when binding + executing + Sync.

I'm using prepared named statement and portals.

The difference is really big ...

In the docs I understand that using the unnamed prepared statement with 
parameters, is planned during the binding phase, but I'm using a prepared 
statement ...

And later, in a Note, I can read:

Note: Query plans generated from a parameterized query might be less efficient 
than query plans generated from an equivalent query with actual parameter 
values substituted. The query planner cannot make decisions based on actual 
parameter values (for example, index selectivity) when planning a parameterized 
query assigned to a named prepared-statement object. This possible penalty is 
avoided when using the unnamed statement, since it is not planned until actual 
parameter values are available. The cost is that planning must occur afresh for 
each Bind, even if the query stays the same.

And now it's not clear to me nothing at all ...

What are the advantages of using the extended query ?




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