On 14 Dec 2009, at 13:21, Phoenix Kiula wrote:

> Actually I just realized that the SQL below will also pick up on these
> perfectly valid-looking columns:
> http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/ReferenceMapFramesetServlet?_bm=y&-zip=27340&-PANEL_ID=rm_result&-_MapEvent=zoomToAddress&-street=&-city=&-rm_config=|b=50|l=en|t=420|zf=0.0|ms=ref_legal_00dec|dw=0.21626605473484609|dh=0.13180874155445527|dt=gov.census.aff.domain.map.EnglishMapExtent|if=gif|cx=-79.8023|cy=35.827|zl=5|pz=5|bo=404:315:314:313:323:321:319|bl=362:360:393:392:355:354:385|ft=350:349:335:389:388:332:331|fl=381:403:204:380:369:379:368|g=16000US3752760&-tree_id=420&-errMsg=&-redoLog=false&-geo_id=16000US3752760&-states=

I think you accidentally posted your holiday plans?

> Which part of this is non-UTF8? Why is this going into a UTF8 table
> with corrupted values? The lc_collate etc and all settings I can
> imagine are already utf-8!
> Thanks for any pointers.

Alban Hertroys

Screwing up is the best way to attach something to the ceiling.


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