dipti shah wrote:
We have started using PostGreSQL for more than 3 months and it looks awesome. Currently, we have been suing superuser by default as login account. Now, the users are getting increased and we want to go away with using superuser by default. We want to create the separate user account for every users and want to define the permission for each of them. For example, we want particular user cannot create schema, he can create tables only in particular schema, he can updates only few tables and also updates only few columns etc. In short, we want to define all available permission options. I am not aware of anything starting from creating new user account to assigning column level permissions. Could anyone please help me to start with this. What is the best way to start?

there are no per column privileges in postgres, but the rest of what you're asking for is pretty straight forward.

permissions are managed with the GRANT and REVOKE commands, which can operate on databases, schemas, tables, sequences, functions, and views. and probably a few more things I'm not thinking of.

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