> So - just use rpath linkage for your added libraries, storing them in a
> private directory. Please.

Argh. It's worse than I hoped.

Libraries the One-Click installer tramples all over include:


... all of which have the same names and in some cases soversions that
they're likely to have in the OS packages.

As libpq.so.5 is also added to the linker path, if a user has a
distro-packaged version of PostgreSQL which has the same soversion of
libpq then the distro-packaged psql etc is also likely to use the
one-click install's libpq, leading to the potential for all sorts of
exciting breakage if they've been built with different options.

An incomplete list of binaries clearly affected by library conflict
issues such as the libxml one the OP reported is, as checked in my
Ubuntu 9.04 install:


Other distros will experience different breakage. On Ubuntu 9.10, for
example, the standard readline soversion is .5.2 so the libreadline.so.4
bundled in the oc installer won't break users of the distro-packaged
libreadline. Ditto libssl  and libcrypto (oc: .5.2 ; distro: .0.9.8 ).

This needs really urgent attention. Step 1 is probably to rebuild the
installer using libraries where everything has been given custom
soversions; next step is to use rpath linkage to solve the problem properly.

Craig Ringe

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