On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 14:19, akp geek <akpg...@gmail.com> wrote:

> TypeError: iteration over non-sequence

> I am not able to interpret any thing from the above message. Can you please
> give me some thoughts

I can't say anything about the application itself, but the cryptic
message means that the variable "filenames" is expected to be a
sequenced typed variable. A sequence in Python is a string, a list or
a tuple. To get the above error message requires the variable to be
something else, like an integer or something. One possible cause for
the problem is a configuration error. Perhaps a line contains a
non-string, as in foo = bar, instead of foo = "bar".

But again, I don't know about the application so I cannot give any
better guess, but the above is what the error is about.

- Rikard - http://bos.hack.org/cv/

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