On 19/11/2009, at 17:27, Kovalevski Andrei wrote:

> Hi
> could it be that you have errors in your UTF8 string? For example you might 
> use UTF16 encoding, it can explain why some characters force errors but 
> others are not.

It only happens with values like àéïçñ I think UTF8 can handle this ...

> Can you post here the string and its' encoded version?

Original string:
QFUpdate transactions set description='Test ValuesdÇ' where id=113


QFUpdate transactions set description='Test ValuesdÇ' where id=113

It has also the header Q and the length ...




> Raimon Fernandez wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm trying to send some strings that have chars outside from standar ascii, 
>> like çñàèó
>> Once I'm connected, the client and server both uses UT8Encoding.
>> And I'm sending all the strings encoded in UTF8.
>> At least the received ones are working, as I get the text exactly as it is, 
>> with special chars.
>> But when I'm trying to update a row using some of them, I'm getting an 
>> error: 
>> 08P01
>> Invalid string in message
>> pqformat.c
>> 691
>> pq_getmstring
>> Invalid Front End message type 0
>> postgres.c
>> 408
>> socketbackend
>> you have been disconected
>> How should I encode ????
>> thanks,
>> regards,
>> r.

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