"Maciej (Matchek) Blizinski" <mac...@opencsw.org> writes:
> "/opt/csw/postgresql/include/ecpg_config.h", line 9: warning: macro
> redefined: HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT_64
> "prepare.c", line 116: identifier redeclared: ECPGprepare
>         current : function(int, pointer to const char, const char,
> pointer to const char, pointer to const char) returning char
>         previous: function(int, pointer to const char, const int,
> pointer to const char, pointer to const char) returning char :
> "/opt/csw/postgresql/include/ecpglib.h", line 49

What it looks like from here is that you have old/incompatible versions
of the postgresql header files in /opt/csw/postgresql/include.  Get rid
of the ill-considered -I pointing at those, and maybe it will be better.

                        regards, tom lane

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