good catch on man in the middle forgery

postmaster..keep up the good work!
Martin Gainty 
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> From:
> To:
> Subject: [GENERAL] Rejected token 3A37-A32F-9E8B
> Date: Sat, 14 Nov 2009 03:32:23 -0400
> The mailing list software at
> has received instructions to reject the following command:
>   "unregister"
> Some mailing list commands can be the result of an attempted forgery or
> mail bombing.  This message is being sent to inform you of everything
> that is known about the command that was rejected, to help you determine
> who was responsible for initiating the command.  This information is
> also being sent to the administrators at
> If you initiated the command, please ignore this message.
> If you need help, please write to the administrators at
> The command was initiated on
>   Mon Nov  9 10:12:07 2009 
> by 
>   Joe Weder <>
> If a reason was given for the rejection, it appears here:
> Anything that is known about session f409bc62281d1c44b37ea98ba44fa200ecfd8abe 
> will be included in an attachment.
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