Greg Smith <> writes:
> weixiang tam wrote:
>> As we are bundling the postgresql db as our product release, we would 
>> like to keep the Postgres executable dir, Data Dir under our product 
>> folder. In this case, could I know whether I can customize the install 
>> directory when i do the RPM installation?

> What you'd probably like to have here is what's called a relocatable 
> RPM.  The RPMs provided for PostgreSQL are not relocatable.

Moving the data directory is not that hard, you just need to add a
config file that changes the PGDATA value seen by the init script.
The real problem that I think the OP hasn't considered is whether
his "bundled" RPM package isn't going to conflict with a preinstalled
postgresql RPM.  Relocating the RPM, either dynamically as you suggest
or by just changing the install paths while building it, isn't a very
palatable solution since e.g. you really want in /usr/lib,
psql in /usr/bin/, etc.

                        regards, tom lane

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