On 11/13/09 5:26 AM, Juan Backson wrote:

I had a chat with Suzuki Hironobu (pgmemcached maintainer) earlier this year and we pretty much decided that pgmemcache was the way to go after which Suzuku wrote a large patch to make it also support libmemcached behaviors and earlier PostgreSQL's.

So I'd recommend just going with pgmemcache.

- Hannu

ps. As a disclaimer, I'm the current pgmemcache maintainer, I've also cc'd Suzuki san.

I'm the current maintainer of pgmemcache

Have anyone tried pgmemcache and pgmemcached?
What is the difference betweent he two?  They are both non-persistent,
so I have difficult time deciding which one to use.
Any suggestion?

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