Sorry for posting to inappropriate list, but I don't know where to
post about pgfoundry...

Does anybody know why following news does not appear on the pgfoundry
new page?

The latest new was:

PGCluster-1.9.0rc6 released
    Atsushi Mitani - 2009-10-28 21:05

and next to above was:

SkyTools 2.1.10
    Marko Kreen - 2009-09-01 20:19

So the news below dated 2009-10-04 seems gone.
Tatsuo Ishii
SRA OSS, Inc. Japan

投稿者: Tatsuo Ishii
日付: 2009-10-04 10:14
サマリー: pgpool-II 2.2.5 released
Project: pgpool

pgpool Gobal Development Group is pleased to announce the availability of 
pgpool-II 2.2.5, the latest stable version of pgpool-II 2.2 series.

This version fixes various bugs in 2.2.4 or before.

- Fix connection_count_down(). It decrements the connectioncounter too much in 
some corner cases and causes onlinerecover never completes(Tatsuo)

- Detect frontend exiting while waiting for commands complete in other cases 
such as internal locks are issued and Parse(Tatsuo)

- Fix inifinit loop in reset_backend(Xavier Noguer, Tatsuo)

- Fix Parse() to print actual query when it detects kind mismatch error(Tatsuo)

- Document enhancements(Tatsuo)

See NEWS and ChangeLog for more details.

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