> I suspect you are expecting that the map will cause root to be
> logged in as postgres without asking for that.  It won't.
> What it will do is allow "psql -U postgres" and similar to work.

That's exactly what I am looking to do. In my case I have a script
that runs as root. I want to log in as postgres user from that script
but the script is running as root.

The way I have it set up doesn't permit that. I want to know what I
need to do in order to make that happen.

> BTW, one has to wonder why you are using the root account for this
> work in the first place.  Wouldn't it be a lot more secure to use
> a less privileged account (oh, I don't know, maybe postgres)?

This script is a part of the initial setup script for the server. It
has to run as root because when it starts running postgres is not
installed and there is no postgres user.

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