On 3/11/2009 12:20 AM, joeweder wrote:
> I have tried every solution that I have found for this problem but cannot get
> PostgreSQL to install. I am currently trying with 8.4.1. The installer fails
> on several machines. After investigation, I see that its during the initdb
> section.


> I have traced initdb with Process Monitor and include the output attached. 
> http://old.nabble.com/file/p26157726/Logfile.XML Logfile.XML 

My copy of Process Monitor seems to want to open "PML" format logs, ie a
custom procmon-specific format; it doesn't seem to be able to load its
XML-format logs back into the procmon gui for review. Hand-reviewing the
XML isn't fun :-(

> creating template1 database in c:/temp/pgsql/data/base/1 ... initdb: could 
> not execute command ""C:/temp/pgsql/bin/postgres.exe" --boot -x1 -F -d 5": No 
> error

That's a weird one. The procmon log confirms that
"C:/temp/pgsql/bin/postgres.exe" does in fact exist, and it's run
successfully elsewhere by the looks.

I don't see "--boot" anywhere in the procmon log you sent, making me
wonder if initdb ever actually got as far as the CreateProcess call and
if it did, whether something's interefering with its ability to exec
processes. That's wild stabbing in the dark, though, given that my brain
just isn't up to properly reading and understanding thousands of lines
of raw XML logs.

The usual question: Got any antivirus or "security" software installed?

Craig Ringer

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