On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 6:31 PM, Alvaro Herrera

> JC Praud escribió:
> > So my question are: can the autovacuum daemon perform vacuum full ? Or
> > another internal postgres process ? Could it come from the TRUNCATE I run
> > and canceled 4 days before ?
> No.  Autovacuum only issues commands that don't lock tables strongly.  I
> doubt this has anything to do with your old TRUNCATE either.  My guess
> is that somebody else ran TRUNCATE and forgot to tell you; or maybe an
> automatic external process (cron or some such).

I suspected that, too. And asked the ninjas we have here ;) I also checked
the vacuum cronjobs we have.
None performing full vacuum on this table.
If it was the case, I should have seen the query in the pg_log as a slow
query, I guess ?


> --
> Alvaro Herrera
> http://www.CommandPrompt.com/
> PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support

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