Sorry for not making the question clear.
The table is created like this,
create table prog (
 id serial primary key,
 pc_id integer,
 start_time timestamp with time zone,
 end_time timestamp with time zone,

A remote pc will send a bundle of data to my program after some time. The data 
is structured like
struct data {
char time[32];
struct data da[n];
where n is unknown, but it will not exceed 12. The pc_id is also sent.
What I should to is to:
1. update the end_time of the last existing record with the same pc_id (by 
checking the maximum value of id and null end_time)
2. Insert the received data into the table, set the start_time to be the 
da[i].time , and end_time to be da[i+1].time (except for the last one).

A simple procedure is written to deal with this. So I just need to pass the 
values in the array to the server as a whole.
I've found an ugly solution by converting the array to a string using sprintf().
Btw, it seems that the libpqtypes is what I need.

Thanks for your reply.
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Is there any ways to pass an array as parameter in libpq?
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 13:14:37 +0800


On Tue, 2009-10-27 at 08:07 +0800, ChenXun wrote:



    I'm starting to learn programming with libpq.

    In the main loop of my code, I will receive some data in the format of an 
array of a struct. The data will be inserted to the database, in different 
lines. I also need to update the last record in the table before the insertion.

You appear to be thinking of a table as an ordered list of data. It doesn't 
work like that. There is no "last record" in the table, and the records aren't 
in any particular order.

If you want to get them out of the database in a particular order you must 
specify that order with an ORDER BY clause in your SELECT statements. Otherwise 
they'll be returned in whatever order is quickest for the database - which will 
probably initially be the order you inserted them in, but that'll change over 

I suspect you may be trying to do things in a way that's going to make things 
MUCH harder for you down the track.

You should just be able to do a parameterized INSERT INTO where you loop over 
the elements of the array in your code, feeding them in as query parameters. If 
you have too much data for that you could do a multi-record INSERT (say insert 
ten records at a time). If that still isn't good enough, then the network COPY 
protocol may be what you need. I really doubt, though, that you need to do 
anything more than loop over the array in your program and INSERT from it 
one-by-one within a transaction.


Craig Ringer

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