On 27/10/2009, at 0:17, John R Pierce wrote:
Alvaro Herrera wrote:
I'm trying to implement the front-end protocol with TCP from
REALbasic to PostgreSQL.
That sounds the most difficult way to do it. Can't you just embed
yah, seriously. the binary protocol is not considered stable, it
can change in subtle ways in each version. libpq handles the
current version and all previous versions, and exposes all methods.
Well, if I specify that I'm using the protocol 300 it should work, and
be stable, not ?
REALbasic has plugin for PostgreSQL, but they are synchronous and
freeze the GUI when interacting with PG. This is not a problem
noramlly, as the SELECTS/UPDATES/... are fast enopugh, but sometimes
we need to fetch 1000, 5000 or more rows and the application stops to
respond, I can't have a progressbar because all is freeze, until all
data has come from PG, so we need a better way.
I found someone who created what I'm trying to do, with the same
language, with the same protocol, with the same version, but it's a
comercial app, and we need the source code. The communication is made
through TCP/IP, really fast, and always asynchronous, our application
is always responsive.
I don't know almost nothing about C and implementing it would be too
much work, and maybe we would have the same problem.
Anyway, I'll try to go further with the binary implementation, at
least, as a learn-approach ...
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