On 12/10/2009 14:16, Gaini Rajeshwar wrote:
> Hi,
> is there a way to rank the search results based on multiple fields in
> postgreSQL?
> For example,
> i have *title*, *abstract*, *summary*, *body* as fields/columns in my
> database. When user searches on *title*, i want to rank the results based on
> *title* field as well as *summary* field, where importance(summary) >
> importance(title). But the results should be exactly matching the terms in
> "title" rather than "title" OR "summary"

Hoe do you define "importance"?

You can order the results alphabetically/numerically on as many columns
as you like - for example,

    select ....
    where title = ....
    order by title, summary

will order the results on title first, then summary... though you
probably know this and I'm misunderstanding what you need.

A little more detail will help.


Raymond O'Donnell, Director of Music, Galway Cathedral, Ireland
Galway Cathedral Recitals: http://www.galwaycathedral.org/recitals

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