oracle handles html output with packages ..i would assume pg would have similar 
sgml output capability?
crystal has been limited to ODBC dsn (datasources) althogh sap seem to be open 
to a more Opensource approach using 
JDBC based data sources

Martin Gainty 
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> Date: Sat, 10 Oct 2009 21:36:19 -0400
> From:
> To:
> CC:
> Subject: Re: [GENERAL] interface for "non-SQL people"
> pere roca wrote:
> >   hi,
> >   some nice tool over there to let non-SQL knowing people to construct their
> > queries? I'm using pgAdmin III but I know some SQL. 
> >   there is no other option than constructing an HTML with forms, drop-down
> > menus...?
> >
> >   thanks,
> >   pERE
> >   
> Your best bet which is not free is Crystal Reports it can do  all the 
> above you list. It can automate creation of  HTML, email, export Excel,  
> ad hoc filters in drop downs, and text inputs,  Graphs and  all kinds of 
> other stuff. 
> its designed to be easy to use for the NON have not a clue 
> SQL/programmer people.
> There are other software packages out there.  Note I have never used any 
> of these can not comment... 
> -- 
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