In the case where a_text is null, I essentially want the same result as the case when a_text = ''.
would this: select a_int || coalesce(a_text,'') from test1 where a_int = 1000002; be the proper way? postgres=# \d test1 Table "public.test1" Column | Type | Modifiers --------+-----------------------------+------------------------------------------------------- a_int | integer | not null default nextval('test1_a_int_seq'::regclass) a_text | character varying(200) | dt | timestamp without time zone | default now() Indexes: "test1_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (a_int) postgres=# select count(*) from test1; count --------- 1000000 (1 row) postgres=# insert into test1(a_text) values(''); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# select max(a_int) from test1; max --------- 1000001 (1 row) postgres=# select a_int || a_text from test1 where a_int = 1000001; ?column? ---------- 1000001 (1 row) postgres=# insert into test1(a_text) values(null); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# select a_int || a_text from test1 where a_int = 1000002; ?column? ---------- (1 row) postgres=# select * from test1 where a_int >= 1000001; a_int | a_text | dt ---------+--------+---------------------------- 1000001 | | 2009-10-09 11:54:38.455556 1000002 | | 2009-10-09 11:56:00.37607 (2 rows) -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list ( To make changes to your subscription: