A training seminar that will put more time back in your life. A training provider registered with Services SETA
Presented by South Africa's leading Speakers Dr Brian Jude and Associates present.... MORE HOURS IN YOUR DAY (Time management) A Dynamic Morning Seminar Time is a unique resource. There isn't any more of it. Each of us already has all the time there is, yet few of us have enough.This course will not give you more time, but will show you how to make better use of the time you have. Presented by Dr Brian Jude Time management is the key to improved productivity, with less stress, and MORE leisure time. This programme will show you how to achieve this. Tuesday 3rd November 2009 Venue: The River Club Conference Centre, Liesbeek Parkway, Observatory - Cape Town Time: Registration 08:30 Start 09:00 Conclude 12:30 Cost: Only R595-00 per delegate per course inclusive of VAT. Registered with the Services SETA. TARGET GROUP. All staff. OBJECTIVES. To learn to make better use of time. To be able to achieve more, in less time. To develop skills that will make us, and the people around us more productive. To improve overall effectiveness and productivity. METHODOLOGY. All training is designed to achieve maximum group attention. Fast paced and entertaining, it allows the delegates to take away real practical skills, rather than just theoretical knowledge. TIMING. One morning. 8:30 am to 12:00 pm. COURSE CONTENT. Time - What it is. How to use it and not abuse it. How well do you manage time.? How to set goals and work with a "To Do" list. Setting priorities. The difference between urgent and important work. The 80/20 rule. Speed reading. Speed sleeping. Paper management. Desk management. Avoiding the pitfalls of poor delegation. How to handle procrastination. How to handle correspondence. How to handle telephones. How to handle visitors. How to handle meetings. End. Learn to take charge of your time and get more done, with less stress. This programme shows how. Book NOW, space is limited E-mail: i...@mastersuccess.co.za "mailto:i...@mastersuccess.co.za" Tel: 011 485 2150 Fax: 011 640 4916 P O Box 29176, Sandringham, Johannesburg, 2131 The information we will need is: Company name, your name, postal address, fax and phone numbers and number of delegates attending. As a valued client or potential client, we do not want to send you e-mails that do not add value to you or your business. If you do not want to continue getting our newsletters, product advices, special offers and information sheets, please go to the "unsubscribe" link at the end of this mail and you will be deleted from our lists. Alternatively, reply to this e-mail, putting "unsubscribe" in the subject line. Many thanks. Unsubscribe http://www.superlearning.co.za/cgi-bin/uls/uls.cgi?ulsRemove=16-52664=920 Update Profile http://www.superlearning.co.za/cgi-bin/uls/uls_mem.cgi?login=Yes&action=process&subscriberid=16-52664&email=pgsql-gene...@postgresql.org