I don't know: I'm not subscribed to the anno9unce list so I was not
aware 8.4 has now a production release.
In the past upgrading from 8.2 to 8.3 solved a big issues but at the
time the application is not in production.
So we are going to evaluate this option.

Anyway after reading the manual in the section you pointed out I have
been able to identify the other process involved in deadlock: we are
going to analyze when the two threads can conflict. I suspect we will
have to use the list again...


Tom Lane ha scritto:
> Ivano Luberti <lube...@archicoop.it> writes:
>> My problem is I know what query has failed , but I don't know the other
>> one that caused the deadlock condition.
> Ah.  Is it practical for you to upgrade to PG 8.4?  IIRC the deadlock
> reporting code got improved in 8.4 to log all the queries involved.
>                       regards, tom lane

dott. Ivano Mario Luberti
Archimede Informatica societa' cooperativa a r. l.
Sede Operativa
Via Gereschi 36 - 56126- Pisa
tel.: +39-050- 580959
tel/fax: +39-050-9711344
web: www.archicoop.it

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