On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 06:30:42PM +0200, Pavel Stehule wrote: > 2009/9/29 Sam Mason <s...@samason.me.uk>: > > I may have got that wrong somewhere else. > > I afraid so this technique is very buggy. You need unpacked serialised > record.
Hum, I'm not sure what an "unpacked serialised record" is or why I'd need one. > And the result have to be valid sql literal. I'm asking PG to generate one for me, and if it doesn't know what a valid literal is I don't know who does. Here's a more complete example: CREATE TABLE t (name varchar, addr varchar); CREATE TABLE s (name varchar, addr varchar); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION trig () RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO s (SELECT (t '||quote_literal(new)||').*);'; RETURN NULL; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER trig BEFORE INSERT ON t FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE trig(); INSERT INTO t VALUES ('Pavel Stehule','Benesov'); SELECT * FROM s; This does the right thing for me in both 8.3 and 8.4, it would also seem as though it's easy to apply this to the problem the OP was having. > you cannot apply quote literal on two or more columns. I thing, so > this isn't possible now. Maybe I mis-interpret the problem? -- Sam http://samason.me.uk/ -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org) To make changes to your subscription: http://www.postgresql.org/mailpref/pgsql-general