Dear Sam...

After I found the solution of my problem and again read the postgres
manual, I've understood you're correct that I tried "too much" as an
initial step for a newbie like me.

But anyway, I thank you so many times.... because you've taught me a
lot about postgres.

I really appreciate you're help. You made so much steps further for me.
On Sun, 27 Sep 2009 14:47:06 +0100
Sam Mason <> wrote:

> On Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 03:00:41PM +0700, Ricky Tompu Breaky wrote:
> > You've solved my several problem. But now I'm stucked on another
> > problem which I know easy to anybody else but difficult as a
> > postgres starter like me.
> A general observation; you seem to be making things awfully
> complicated initially.  It may be worth going with the defaults of
> assuming that PG usernames and Unix usernames are the same
> initially.  Once you've got a bit more experience then it may not
> seem so complicated.  The main reason I'm saying this is that I
> *very* rarely have to fiddle with these sorts of things and yet they
> always do the "right" thing when I try.
> Maybe there are other things going on that are getting in the way of
> solving the real issue that will go away with more experience.
> > I did these steps:
> > "
> > 1. I created a new opensuse11.1-linux login account + its password
> > (username: ivia) with YaST2;
> PG users and Unix users/accounts are unrelated so this step is
> redundant (think of large sites with thousands of database users).
> If you've always got Unix user accounts why not just use the ident
> auth as default?
> > 2. i...@sussy:~> su postgres -c psql postgres
> > 3. postgres'# ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD '<<mypassword>>';
> > postgres=# ALTER USER ivia WITH PASSWORD '<<mypassword>>';
> > postgres'# 
> > 4. sussy:/etc # cat /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf
> > host all all md5
> Were these setting in place when you ran the initial connection with
> the postgres account to change people's passwords?  If so, I can't
> see how it would work.  Maybe you are changing the "wrong" config
> file.
> Try putting something invalid into the config file and check to see if
> it starts up or gives an error.
> > 7. sussy:/etc # psql -h -U ivia -W
> > Password for user ivia: 
> > psql: FATAL:  Passwort-Authentifizierung für Benutzer »ivia«
> > fehlgeschlagen (my translation: Password-Authentication for user
> > »ivia« failed)
> It's obviously using password auth, are you sure you got the passwords
> right?  You haven't got a backslash in the password have you? it'll
> need to be escaped in the initial creation bit if you do.  A simple
> ASCII password such as 'test' may be a good place to start.
> > Why can I not login with 'iVia' to my postgresql? Is it because I
> > use 'md5()' but not blowfish as I remember OpenSuSE11.1 use
> > 'blowfish()' as its default password encryption. But AFAIK, there's
> > nothing to do with the RDBMS Encryption (PostgreSQL in my case) and
> > the Host OS password encryption method.
> Yup, as far as I can tell this shouldn't have any effect.  Then again,
> I don't use SuSE and it's possible (though very unlikely) that they
> changed this.
>   Sam

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