I've written a straightforward insert function, but using the RETURNING keyword for the first time. If I try running the test case I get the error:

ERROR:  query has no destination for result data
CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function "nonauth_users_insert_new_udf" line 7 at SQL statement

I'm not sure what I need to do to catch the return value as I've tried a few different combinations and nothing has worked for me so far. The Insert statement as it is below but outside of a function works and returns the id. Any input is much appreciated.

I'm running version 8.4


select nonauth_users_insert_new_udf(
'testuser1', 'testus...@example.com', 'xDvTfTOB99mG6zSyMjYtVhUd3P4', '4DhFLU1YJU5Oz/+XGqh3npn2RJQ'

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION nonauth_users_insert_new_udf(
   _username varchar
 , _emailaddress varchar
 , _salt char
 , _hash char
 ) RETURNS int
AS $$

Insert into nonauth_users ( username, emailaddress, salt, hash, added )
  values ( _username, _emailaddress, _salt, _hash, now() )
  RETURNING nonauth_users_id;

  --the query works this way though
--RETURN currval(pg_get_serial_sequence('nonauth_users', 'nonauth_users_id'));


LANGUAGE plpgsql;

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