Scott Marlowe wrote:
On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 11:09 AM, Alan Hodgson <> wrote:
On Monday 21 September 2009, Christian Koetschan
<> wrote:
Is everything I insert into mycolA and mycolB stored twice, or
is there something like a pointer/reference from mycolA to the things
stored in mycolB?

It's stored twice and for performance you need to index it in both tables.
If you put ON UPDATE CASCADE on it, an update to the master will hit both
tables though.

Slight correction.  You might need to index it on both ends for
performance.  There are some instances where the referencing table
only ever has a few rows in it, and in those cases, you likely don't
need an index.

And it is likely that the referenced table has an index since foreign keys reference a primary key or unique-constrained (combination of) column(s).


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