Sandra Arnold wrote:
> We are in the process of migrating from Oracle to PostgreSQL. 
>  One of the things that we are needing to find out is what to 
> use in place of Oracle supplied functionality such as 
> "DBMS_OUTPUT" and "UTL_FILE".  We are currently using this 
> type of functionality in Stored Procedures and packages.  
> What are the options in PostgreSQL for replacing these two 
> packages in a stored procedure/function?

RAISE NOTICE has been mentioned.

Apart from the possibility to write file I/O functions in Perl,
there are some functions that are already included in PostgreSQL:
pg_read_file and pg_stat_file.
The contrib module "adminpack" provides pg_file_write,
pg_file_rename, pg_file_unlink.

Together these are enough for simple file system access,
although they don't provide as much as UTL_FILE.

Laurenz Albe

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