Rajesh Kumar Mallah wrote:
Dear List,
There are many opensource applications that support postgresql
(eg , gforge , bricolage , dspam ..) but does not use schemas(namespaces)
as a result of which you are forced to use/create a new database and
loose the
advantage of linking the application data with your existing database.
as no-cross database queries can be done in PG.
my question is , is it a feasible idea to have some special kind of database
in the postgresql cluster that mimics a schema of an existsing database.
say rt3 is a special database that links to existing maindb databases'
rt3 namespace then any DDL / DML done to public schema of rt3 database
is redirected to rt3 namespace of the existing database maindb's rt3 schema.
well in most cases it is enought to give those apps their own user and
setting the default search_path for that user to it's own schema. That
way you usually don't have to modify the app at all and still get it
(more or less) running in it's own schema.
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