Help me please with this function writed in MSSQL. I want to pass on Postgres
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION GetProductsByCategoryId (IN CategoryId int, IN PageIndex int, IN NumRows int, OUT CategoryName varchar(50), OUT CategoryProductCount int) RETURNS SETOF RECORD LANGUAGE plpgsql as $$ DECLARE startRowIndex int; BEGIN /* The below statements enable returning the Total Product Count and friendly Name for the CategoryId as output paramsters to our SPROC. This enables us to avoid having to make a separate call to the database to retrieve them, and can help improve performance quite a bit */ CategoryProductCount = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Products where Products.CategoryId = CategoryId) CategoryName = (SELECT Name FROM Categories Where Categories.CategoryID = CategoryId) /* The below statements use the new ROW_NUMBER() function in SQL 2005 to return only the specified rows we want to retrieve from the Products table */ --Declare @startRowIndex INT; --set @startRowIndex = (@PageIndex * @NumRows) + 1; startRowIndex := (PageIndex * NumRows) + 1; With ProductEntries as ( (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ProductId ASC) as Row, ProductId, CategoryId, Description, ProductImage, UnitCost FROM Products WHERE CategoryId=CategoryId) ) (Select ProductId, CategoryId, Description, ProductImage, UnitCost FROM ProductEntries WHERE Row between startRowIndex and StartRowIndex+NumRows-1) END; $$; I have a problem whis instraction With ProductEntries as ( (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ProductId ASC) as Row, ProductId, CategoryId, Description, ProductImage, UnitCost FROM Products WHERE CategoryId=CategoryId) ) I can not find command in postgres - With ... as My changed function is CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "public"."getproductsbycategoryid_refcursor" (categoryid integer, pageindex integer, numrows integer, out product_id integer, out category_id integer, out description varchar, out product_image varchar, out unit_cost varchar) RETURNS SETOF record AS $body$ DECLARE startrowindex int; categoryproductcount int; categoryname varchar(50); BEGIN SELECT COUNT(*) INTO categoryproductcount FROM products where products."category_id"=categoryid; SELECT "name" INTO categoryname FROM categories Where categories."category_id"=categoryid; startrowindex = (pageindex * numrows) + 1; -- ERROR HERE With productentries as SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY products."category_id" ASC) as Row, products."product_id", products."category_id", products."description", products."product_image", products."unit_cost" FROM products WHERE products."category_id"=categoryid; RETURN QUERY SELECT productentries."product_id", productentries."category_id", productentries."description", productentries."product_image", productentries."unit_cost" FROM productentries WHERE productentries."row" between startrowindex and startrowindex+numrows-1; END; $body$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE CALLED ON NULL INPUT SECURITY INVOKER COST 100 ROWS 1000; Help me please, excuse me for bad inglish ;)