Tom Lane a écrit :
Jean-Christophe Praud <> writes:
I've a problem on a heavy loaded database: vacuums don't work since about a week. All I got is:

mybase=# vacuum verbose analyze public.mytable;
INFO:  vacuuming "public.mytable"
(I stop it after hours)

Looking with top and iotop, I see the process takes some cpu and disk io time during several minutes, then it seems to fall asleep.
The process isn't locked according to pg_stat_activity.

When vacuum wants to clean up a particular table page, it will wait
until no other process is examining that page; and this wait is not
visible in pg_locks.  Perhaps you have got some queries referencing
those tables that have stopped midway and are just sitting?

Although pg_locks won't immediately show the wait, it could be useful
to help identify the culprit --- look for other processes holding
any type of lock on the table the vacuum is stuck on, and then go to
pg_stat_activity to see how old their current query is.

                        regards, tom lane
Indeed, the tables I tried to vacuum have locks on them. AccessShareLock belonging to queries which seem sleeping. I tried to kill these queries but pg_cancel_backend() has no effect, and the process doesn't get the 15 signal.

How can I get rid of these blocking queries without restarting the server ? They are not listed as "waiting" in pg_stat_activity.

These queries are MOVE FORWARD on cursors, the underlying query is a rather complex one (unions, joins, functions calls)


Ph'nglui  mglw'nafh  Cthulhu  n'gah  Bill  R'lyeh  Wgah'nagl fhtagn!

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