
On Wed, 2009-09-02 at 13:47 -0300, Emanuel Calvo Franco wrote:
> > I released initial version of my PostgreSQL 8.4 live CD, which i
> > based on CentOS 5.3. It includes the PostgreSQL related packages 
> > that I build on http://yum.pgsqlrpms.org , along with PostgreSQL
> > 8.4.0.
> I'm testing it, works well!

Thanks for testing.

> I ussually use pglive cd of Bernier, but now seems to be not updated.
> But have some nice features for example:
> - has a direct link for psql console in the bar
> - same for pgadmin

I added these features to the kickstart file. They will appear in next
build, which will happen next Monday with PostgreSQL 8.4.1 .

> - has several docs in html format, in a /var/www and when the livecd
> starts, firefox displays the links for each doc (all the docs are
> in the cd, thats is the better)
> - has a postgres wall paper

I need to think about these -- and if they are added, they will appear
in next set, too.

Thanks for valuable comments.

Command Prompt - http://www.CommandPrompt.com 
devrim~gunduz.org, devrim~PostgreSQL.org, devrim.gunduz~linux.org.tr

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