Sam Mason wrote on 27.08.2009 21:51:
The information is all in the system catalogs; I've not had much
opportunity to fiddle with them so far but the following may be a start
to help get things out for you.

  SELECT c.relname, a.attname, t.relname
  FROM pg_class c, pg_depend d, pg_class t, pg_attribute a
  WHERE c.relkind     = 'S'
    AND d.objid       = c.oid
    AND d.refobjid    = t.oid
    AND (d.refobjid,d.refobjsubid) = (a.attrelid,a.attnum);

Ah great, I didn't realize I could use pg_depend for this.
Thanks, works like a charm! This is exactly what I was looking for.


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