On 24/08/2009 17:31, Scott Frankel wrote:
> The insert that yields the error seems innocuous enough:
>     INSERT INTO foo (color_id, ordinal, person_id) VALUES (1, 1019, 2);
> It seems as if there's a sequence (foo_pkey) that's got some weird
> values in it.  The table itself looks like this:
>     foo_id    SERIAL        PRIMARY KEY,

If the sequence's current value is lower than the highest foo_id in the
table, then you'll get collisions - I'd imagine that's what's happening
to you. You can fix that by using setval() to set the sequence value to
a number higher than any currently in foo_id.


Raymond O'Donnell, Director of Music, Galway Cathedral, Ireland
Galway Cathedral Recitals: http://www.galwaycathedral.org/recitals

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