On 24 Aug 2009, at 7:50, Scott Marlowe wrote:

On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 11:43 PM, Juan Backson<juanback...@gmail.com> wrote:

Thank you for your help.

What I want to dos is as follows:

SELECT COALESCE(fieldA::text,fieldB||fieldC||fieldD) from ring where
group_id = 1

if fieldB is NULL, i will want it to return fieldC|| fieldD
if fieldB and fieldC is null, I want it to return fieldD.

I get the impression you mean || to mean C-style OR instead of SQL- style concatenate? If not, Scott gave you the right solution already, otherwise read on.

Basically, fieldD is always going to have data, but fieldB and fieldC can be

How can I revise the query to meet that purpose?

        WHEN fieldA IS NOT NULL THEN fieldA
        WHEN fieldB IS NOT NULL THEN fieldB
        WHEN fieldC IS NOT NULL THEN fieldC
        ELSE fieldD
  FROM ring WHERE group_id = 1;

Alban Hertroys

If you can't see the forest for the trees,
cut the trees and you'll see there is no forest.


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